Tuesday, February 15, 2011

The Sleeping Prince: Part 1

Once upon a time, there was a beautiful and kind prince, who was loved by all, especially his close knit family. He had the face of an angel, and his hair was long, dark and wavy that fell past his shoulders. He had a sweet and kind heart that was as big as all outdoors. And, NOTHING pleased him more than to serve his people.

But, as kind as he was, he was also very sad and lonely, for he had a difficult time finding his 1 true princess. He wanted someone who was as kind, warm, and gentle as himself, but that proved difficult.

Most of the women in the world, were vain. They wanted money and fame, and clothes, and children to brag about. Helping the world seemed beyond their reach. And THAT was what the Prince wanted most of all-- a woman who loved the world as much as she loved him.

One day, The Prince's family arranged for him to meet a princess from another land. She seemed sweet and kind at first. She was also bold, brazen and outspoken. These traits appealed to The Prince so he decided to marry her. The Prince ascended to his throne and became The King. After their wedding, they became King and Queen, and all seemed happy.

But it wasn't.

At first, The King really didn't want his title. He knew that being a King was going to be a big responsibility and he wondered if he was up to the challenge. But his people loved him so much that couldn't think of anyone else better. So, his title stuck. (But to him, he would forever remain a little prince at heart!)

And that wasn't all.

The King and Queens marriage started to crumble. Soon afterward, the royal couple began to realize that even hough they cared about each other deeply, they just weren't compatible. He began to feel that she wasn't the right one for him, because she didn't share the same feelings that she had. She was too pushy in some ways and too demanding in others. Helping the world by his side wasn't a big priority for her. Even though she had her own status and fame when she was a ruler of her own country, she grew to love her husband's a little bit more. For his part, The Queen found him a little too open and trusting. She knew that he could be a shrewd ruler, when he wanted to be, but for the most part she found him way too childlike and naive... not the best traits when being a part of the ruling class. On top of that, although he loved her frankness and candor, she was sometimes just too blunt. She didn't know the art of tact. She never understood that there were times when somethings were better left unsaid.

And so, they parted. She returned to rule her own kingdom, and The King's loneliness returned, especially since his brief marriage did not produce an heir.

"Oh... if only I had a little prince to call my very own... a prince to rule over my kingdom when the day comes that I'll be gone," he said. "Alas, I fear that it will never be."

In The King's Court, he had many many handmaidens, which were given to him as gifts from many rulers from across the lands and seas. One handmaiden took pity on The King and decided to grant his wish, because she not only considered him a wise King but also a great friends and a benevolent man.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Coming Soon: MICHAEL'S MOMENTS: The YouTube Series

For the past 2 years, I have been making a vlog about Michael. They are all just my random thoughts. & Soon you'll be able to find them here! Soooooooo, STAY TUNED! {{{{^_^}}}}

Thursday, January 13, 2011

The Sleeping Prince (COMING SOON!)

Note: This is going to take FOREVER so don't expect it to be finished any time soon.

Once upon a time there was a beautiful & kind-hearted prince...

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Mary Shelly Meets Michael Jackson

Dino Stamatopoulos, the creator of the very intriguing often times blasphemous always funny "Morel Orel" is back w/ Mary Shelly's Frankenhole. In the premier, Victor Frankenstien and his long suffering/long living assistant Dr. Polodori have made a time portal which the dead are brought thru it and reanimated. Using the classic phrase, "He's alive! Alive... again.", on his 1st time out, who does Victor Frankenstein decide to bring back to life... Michael Jackson. Apparently, youngest son "Blanket" brought Dad's cryo-frozen body to Victor's lab.

Once alive, the very curious, Michael becomes intrigued by it and Victor, himself. He finds the process of being reanimated "all very interesting" & uses that word as often as Johnny Rotten used the word "boring" in Sid & Nancy. However, he finds Blanket... all wet. MJ feels horribly disappointed in his now 38 year old successful son who (as he says virtually non-stop chatterbox mode) "rocks the stock market 24/7 5 days a week, then T.G.I.F. Long Island Ice Teas on steroids", all the while sporting the atypical trendy hipster fashion (tight fashionably designed t-shirt w/ ripped jeans, Vans, a slick back ponytail for his trademark long, never-been-cut hair, a soul patch, a small beard lining his jaw, piercings, tattoos, 1 saying "Dad", the other a star on his neck and not 1 but 2 ferrets... the second ferret also has a neck-tat. Why is he disappointed? Because according to his logic, he did everything wrong in the child's infancy like shielding the child's face dangling him over a balcony & giving him his older brother's name & kooky nickname to boot in order to make him more interesting & eccentric just like dear old dad, when he came into his adulthood. But the experiment failed. Blanket is just like all of the almost 40-something hippy trendsetters who suffer from perpetual teenaged angst & arrested development. He became a total douche.

You're made to feel sorry for both MJ & Blanket, because to MJ his youngest is an utter bore, & like son like father, like father, like son, Blanket just wants his dad to love him... just like his own father wanted his grandfather to do in real life.

Then instead of taking sage advice & changing his personality, Blanket opts for the quick fix-- a Jackson FINALLY acquires the Elephant Man's Bones & has the bones spliced w/ MJ in Victor's DNA splicer. Does the father/son lovefest work? No. In fact, he hates Blanket even more. Instead of bonding w/ Adult Baby Blanket, MJ bonds with Victor, who has father/son issues of his own. From there MJ makes a starling confession that he actually hated children because deep down they were boring, but when he was w/ them it made him seem more interesting. Wow. Go fig.

The most off putting part of this whole episode was the little girly girl voice that was used for MJ provided by Britta Phillips. @ 1st, I was very offended by the choice of having a female do his voice... & yet it became, well... interesting. After Victor sees "Elephant Jackson" (to which not surprisingly EJ approves), he says, "You're a curious little bugger, aren't you?" you couldn't help falling in love w/ him thanks to Phillip's voice, not to mention that cute little giggle (which he did have in real life). All of this makes EMMJ (Elephant Man Michael Jackson) endear the oddball scientist to him, leaving his son a very "Wet Blanket" indeed. To find out more watch the rest in repeats.

How do I, a lover of MJ & animation feel about the 1st real animated spoof after his death. A great big, "Meh." & a "WHAT WERE YOU THINKING?" MJ would love a spoof about himself, even if it was about his own demise, BUT, to bring his kids into the picture? NO! MJ loved his little "Blanket of Love" (the true origin of the nickname) & he would love whatever path his son choose to walk down preppy stock-rocker or poseur punk hipster. On top of all that Dino & AS had the AUDACITY to air this 3 days after the 1st anniversary of his death. (Even MORE IRONIC is since the real MJ died about 12 or 13 weeks before his 51st birthday, the repeat of this "monstrosity" will also air the weekend of what would have been his 52nd birthday.) I said it before & I'll say it again, "Smooth (Criminal) Move, Ex-Lax." & The final large nail in the golden coffin: they end it w/ a bump in loving memory of Joseph "John Merrick" (The Elephant Man). I guess that was suppose to be an in joke meaning MJ, but it was still wack. If your going to be that disrespectful & at least try to do something decent in the end. I give Dino & the gang praise for making some beautiful crafted puppets, but THIS... this was just wrong. For once, I am truly like 1 of MJ's songs off his last studio album: "Speechless".

MJ Down The Frankenhole Part 1

MJ Down The Frankenhole Part 2

Saturday, June 26, 2010

My 1st Words Here...

Hello World! My name is Robyn, & welcome to my world! {{{{^_^}}}}